Number One Trait

Some years back UCLA did a survey of 1300 executives around the country and they asked for five traits that were keys to advancement for employees. All 1300 of them included INTEGRITY somewhere in the list.
Here’s the real kicker.
71% of them rated INTEGRITY NUMBER ONE!
Being TRUSTWORTHY is an integral part of integrity.  So, obviously, being trustworthy is a critical character trait if you want to move up the corporate ladder, keep your employees, or build your customer base.
Bob Burg will tell you that
All things being equal people will do business with people they know, like, and TRUST.
The first law of the Boy Scout Law, which defines how a Boy Scout is supposed to live their life, is A Scout is Trustworthy.  Here’s the explanation:
“A Scout always tells the truth. He is honest and keeps his promises.  People can depend on him.”
Our trustworthiness is also quite obviously a key to our relationships with others.  If your spouse or significant other can’t trust you, the relationship is destroyed.  If your friends can’t trust you and count on you, then they will simply no longer expect anything from you and eventually will simply stop being around you or having your around.
If your co-workers can’t trust you, then you will not be able to function as part of a team.  If you employees can’t trust you, they will become disengaged and productivity suffers; not to mention the bottom line.
We know this, yet somehow the focus on trust seems to be lost somewhere in the desire to “close the deal” or secure what we want.
When we focus on trust, however, we find that acquiring those things and closing that deal becomes easier because of who we are and what we stand for.
When we are trustworthy, we are the go to person that everyone counts on to make it happen.  That has value in so many ways, including financially.
Being trustworthy is the deal-maker…or the deal breaker.

Here are some ways you can build trust on a daily basis:

  1. PRODUCE RESULTS – when you have a proven track record of accomplishing things people will trust you to do the things you say you are going to do.  To meet the deadline or to accomplish the task no matter how challenging it is.
  2. GIVE YOUR WORD ONLY WHEN YOU MEAN IT – Don’t make promises you can’t keep.
  3. KEEP YOUR WORD AT ALL COSTS –  This is critical.  When people know that no matter what you are going to do what you say you are going to do, then your trustworthiness grows and builds over time.
  4. BE CONSISTENT – Consistency is a key to both trustworthiness and integrity.  People need to know what they can count on.
  5. RESPECT YOURSELF AND OTHERS – When you show respect for other people and respect yourself, then people will believe and trust that you are who you say you are and you will do what you say you are going to do.

Fortune Filled

Our lives are filled with references to fortune.  The popular game show Wheel of Fortune, of course.  The infamous rainbow and the pot of gold at the end, guarded by a Leprechaun.  We have our dreams of fame and fortune.
fortune cookieWhen I was younger we used to play a game with fortune cookies at oriental restaurants.  Perhaps you played it too.  You would read your fortune out loud to everyone and then add the words “ bed!” to the end.   So “You will have great unexpected good luck” became “You will have great unexpected good luck IN BED.”  Silly, but fun and funny, especially at the age when anything having to do with sex was funny.  It did, however, have a way of shaping perspective.
The Dictionary has two definitions of fortune; one is
“a large amount of money or assets”
but the other is
“chance or luck as an arbitrary force in human events”
We often rely on the latter to give us the former.  In other words, we often rely on chance or luck to give us our fortune.
I am reminded of the story of the man who spends him time praying every day to win the lottery.
Please just let me win the lottery!  I won’t ask for anything else!
Every week he wouldn’t win and every week he would pray.  He became more frustrated as time went on and finally in exasperation he prayed again,
I have prayed and prayed to win the lottery. Why won’t you let me win the lottery?
Then a voice boomed out,
Meet me halfway – buy a ticket!
Two sayings stick in my mind about fortune that I think says everything you need to know.  The first is from Cervantes
Diligence is the Mother of Good Fortune
and the other is that
Fortune Favors the Bold

Here’s some tips to help you reach your fortune:

  • DON’T RELY ON FORTUNE OR LUCK – Reject the second definition of fortune.  Don’t live by chance.  Don’t allow the course of human events to determine when you will get your fortune or what kind of fortune you will have.
  • DEFINE WHAT YOUR FORTUNE IS – for some it is a whole lot of money but it can something else for others.  When I counsel people I will ask them what one of their business goals are and they almost always answer “make more money!”  So, $1 more is good?   You need to define how much is more. What do you want to accomplish? There is fortune to be found in many things rather than just money.
  • KNOW HOW TO GET THERE – Define the path to reach your fortune.
  • DAILY DILIGENCE – Working daily to move closer to your goals or your fortune. Keep doing positive things to move closer to your goals every day.

It’s not that these things will make the wheel spin in your favor; it’s that you will discover you don’t need the wheel!

What do YOU think?

Driving Through the Fog

If you have ever driven a car, you have likely had the experience of driving through heavy fog. 
Building a business, building a career, and building a life can feel a lot like that.  In fact, that’s precisely the problem for many people; they spend their time navigating through the fog.  
  • A businessman with no real direction who leaps at the next new thing to offer in the hopes for profits that turn the business
  • The person goes all in to the next scheme guaranteed to make them millions
  • The girl or guy who obsesses over the next person they think will truly make them happy.
It’s a mirage in fog.
Many people make decisions when things aren’t going well. They look for relief in the despair of the valley instead of waiting for the clarity that comes from being on the mountaintop. And when you’re experiencing the darkness of the valley, it’s always tempting to make changes that you hope will relieve the discomfort.  -John C. Maxwell

Finding Your Way Clear

Successful people have CLARITY.  The path is clear in front of them and they are joyfully on their journey.  And while they path may wind, the hills may seem steep, and the road gets rocky on occasion; they forge ahead with determination because they can see where they are going.  How do you achieve this clarity in your life or career or business?
[snaptweet]It’s not the problems that make YOUR life song so special, it’s the clarity you get when you determine to see your way through it.[/snaptweet]

Key Elements to Achieve Clarity:

  1. KNOW YOUR CORE VALUES – Know what you stand for.  Know what defines are the very core of your organization or core of your person  exactly what has to factor in to every decision you make and everything you do.  Honesty and integrity are key core values that you want to integrate into everything you do.
  2. DEFINE YOUR PURPOSE – What are you driven to do, what do you want to accomplish.  Here’s a tip: if it takes more than a sentence, then you haven’t fully defined your purpose.
  3. VISUALIZE THE END OF THE ROAD – See where it is you are trying to go.
  4. KEEP AN EYE ON THE PATH IN FRONT OF YOU – That’s where you are going to encounter those rocky roads and if you spend all your time looking ahead, the roadblocks in front of you may stop you before you can get there.

Success Requires People

It’s a fact: no one has achieved any real, lasting success on their own. They have always done it by working with other people.
John Maxwell (Teamwork Makes the Dream Work), Jim Collins (From Good to Great), Ken Blanchard (High Five! The Magic of Working Together) and many others emphasize again and again, both from research and anecdotal evidence,  that we are designed to achieve success with and through others.   None of us is as smart as all of us.
So if you really want success, you need to work with and through other people.
And that means we need to get along with them.

Respect is the Start to Good Relationships

 Respect is crucial to being able to get along with and work effectively with other people.
 Herbert Casson once wrote:
“In handling men, there are three feelings that a man must not possess-fear, dislike and contempt. If he is afraid of men he cannot handle them. Neither can he influence them in his favor if he dislikes or scorns them. He must neither cringe nor sneer. He must have both self-respect and respect for others.”
Respect for others means that we truly care for others, we believe in others.  We may not always agree with their politics or religion or even their choices, but we care for them and believe in them.   Respect means we accept them for what they are now, not as we would hope them to be; even more importantly when they don’t think like we do.
This is the foundation of great marriages, fabulous families, thriving and relevant churches, and productive and effective organizations.

Granting Respect

Many will tell you that respect is earned but it’s not.
[snaptweet]Respect is granted; it is a conscious choice of the respecter to the respected.[/snaptweet]
You can do all the good and positive things in your life you want and there will be some who simply WILL NOT RESPECT YOU.
Does that mean you didn’t earn it?
Not necessarily; they may have simply refused to grant it.
Some will grant respect until you prove unworthy of it, based either on your position or standing or simply because of who they are as opposed to who you are.  I tend to fall into this category.
Others require proof that you are worthy of respect and even power, position, or standing or status will not get you their respect until you can demonstrate your worthiness.  I have always found this position to be kind of self-serving.  I would rather have you prove me wrong for respecting you than spend a lot of time trying to meet an undeclared, usually unreachable, bar to earn my respect.
Self-respect then becomes critical because we can’t possibly respect others unless we respect ourselves.  If we don’t measure up, then no one else does either.  People who have low self-respect will never really respect others because they see no value in the relationship–because they see no value in themselves.  Many who demand you earn their respect fall into this category.

Respect yourself, grant respect to others and you are well on your way to working effectively with others and achieving your dreams.

Keys to apply today:

  1. DEVELOP YOUR SELF-RESPECT – Find the good in yourself.  Write a list of what’s good about yourself.
  2. BE A GOOD FINDER – It is easier to like and care for others when you focus on whats good about them.
  3. Pick one person you encounter daily.  Write down what you like about that person.  Even the most obnoxious have something.  If you can’t find anything, then the problem is you need to go back to number 1 because if you can’t find the good in yourself you can’t possibly find the good in others!  Call them, write them a note or an email or visit in person and tell them how you appreciate them for those things you like about them.

Baseball Season!

We are coming up on another baseball season and I looked back on the statistics for the last season.  The number hitter in all of baseball last year was Miguel Cabrera of the Detroit Tigers.  He finished the season with a .338 batting average.  What that means is that for every three times he went to bat he was only successful once.  In other words, one-third of the time he successfully accomplished his job.
How does a hitter handle that?  He goes to bat again; he goes up convinced that this time he is going to get a hit, whether or not he was successful the last time.
great hitter hank aaronOne of my all-time favorite players and another one of the great hitters in baseball was Hank Aaron of the Atlanta Braves.  Aaron was the the first one to break Babe Ruth’s all-time homerun record.  I remember watching it on television; even at that age I was a rapid Atlanta Braves fan.  Hank Aaron was more than just a homerun hitter, he was a great hitter overall.  When asked about how he accomplished so much in the game, he said,
My motto was always to just keep swinging.  Whether I was in a slump, or feeling badly, or having trouble off the field; the only thing to do was to keep swinging!

The Key

There is the key to being the big hitter.
The successful DON’T STOP!
They keep going.
No matter what else is happening in their lives, they keep swinging and have the hope and belief that they will connect this time.
The salesman who wades through a hundred no’s until he gets to the yes.
The job applicant who goes to interview after interview, taking care to always look their best and always remain positive; enduring the uncertainty and lack of call backs until that time that the opportunity is offered to them.
The inventor who creates and redesigns products until she finds the one that meets the needs of enough people to make her prosperous.
Anyone who keeps adding value to others until they are able to reach their goals.  Zig Ziglar said it best in his ageless statement
You can anything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want!

Keep Swinging

So how are some ways that we can keep swinging to become the big hitter?
  1. REFLECTION – spend time learning lessons from your experiences
    • Daily – keep a journal.  Look back at the day’s experiences and what you have learned from them.  Learn from the good and the bad.
    • Quarterly – what’s working?  what’s not working?  what needs to change to help move you towards your goals?
    • Annually – look at you accomplished in the last year and look forward to what you want to accomplish in the coming year
  2. ACCEPT WHAT IS BUT NEVER BE SATISFIED WITH IT –  Accept things as they are but be constantly looking for ways to make them better.
  3. DON’T STOP!  Whatever else happens, keep moving forward towards the kind of person you want to be.

And take time out to go see a ball game on occasion!